Friday, May 14, 2010

One Smart Cookie

Michael is finishing up his first year in middle school (6th grade)... Last week they did placement testing and I am proud to say that out of 300 6th graders that my son scored the highest score on his math test.. Michael got offered to take 8th grade math with all the 8th graders. I don't know who is more excited, Mommy or Michael... Now he will always be up a grade in Math, When he enters 8th grade he will be taking math with 9th graders and so on...

Michael has always excelled when it came to school work, he carries a book around non stop and loves learning.. I know he didn't get it from his momma!
They tried moving him up from 3rd grade to 5th grade but at the time I wasn't sure he was ready to advance..
Now I am okay with him taking one class with the 8th graders... I gotta let my baby grow up sometime I guess =(

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Congrats to your smart cookie son!