Today, I gave birth to my 3rd child and my 2nd daughter. Its hard to believe that its been 11 years since my Hannah was born... It was a very long day but short labor.. Hannah was a lil stubborn and was 11 days late.. She was comfy in mommy's belly.. I was at the hospital for 7 hours for them to tell me ma'am you are not progressing and should just go home.. They sent me home slightly contracting but dilated 0.. I was angry.. Was told to take a tyl pm and just got to sleep! I went home took the tyl pm and sat on the toilet for an hour.. Next thing I know, I was in horrible pain... I was yelling at kids dad to take me to hospital and he was like Kristal, you are not in labor we were just at hospital.. I was mad and in serious pain.. Finally I told him either he takes me or i am calling cab.. So we get to hospital and the lady was like, didn't we just send you home? Uhmm yeah but still lol... They put me in a room with another lady ( who sadly was losing her baby ), they didn't believe i was in labor so they were just putting me in there to check me.. Little did they know that when they checked me I was gonna be 9 cm. I was rushed to my own room and was told no epi or pain meds.. WHAT??? I was scared to death.. I didn't know if i could manage a natural childbirth.. But to my surprise, I did... At 4am my daughter was born... weighing in 8 pounds 9 oz.. Today she is a lovely young lady and I am so proud to call her my daughter!
Happy Birthday Hannah Lynn!!
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